If the words, "Trust me, I'm a doctor" ever made you feel safe and secure ... think again b*tches.
Famed Parisian fertility doctor, André Hazout, is currently on trial for the rape of four clients and the sexual abuse of another two; the prosecution is claiming he exploited his clients' delicate psychological state and coerced them into sex.
Once called the "Magician of Babies" because of his unprecedented success rate with difficult-to-impregnate women, Hazout was once a celebrated star of the medical profession, gleaning hefty private fees from desperate, baby-jonesin' women. Model, musician, and ex-French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is among his chichi clientele who underwent treatment at his maternity clinic in Paris.
So far, Hazout continually denies all allegations of rape but has admitted to having sexual intercourse with several clients while under his treatment; in fact, the 70-year-old gyno claims he may have even fathered children with the 30-some women who've come forward to accuse him of sexual assault, according to records from the Paris Criminal Court.
In happier vagina-laden news, a famed Spanish model has become a gyno and women are clamoring to get their feet in the stirrups.